Would your church like to recruit more volunteers to lead children and young people?

The Church of England has launched JOIN, a new suite of resources to help churches, parishes and worshipping communities recruit volunteers with children and young people.
The toolkit, which includes videos, posters, copy for social media and much more, have been designed to equip churches, parishes, and worshipping communities with everything they need to run a successful volunteer recruitment campaign and inspire more people to step forward and join in with leading children and young people.
As well as providing the tools to run a successful volunteer recruitment campaign, there is guidance on recruiting volunteers safely and advice on supporting volunteers going forward.
The resources are part of the nationally funded 30k Project - a project which seeks to help churches recruit, train and support 30,000 new children and youth leaders by 2030.
The Film
You can show this film at Sunday services or at meetings, share it on your social media channels or send it to your congregation to watch again at home.
Access the resources
The JOIN resources are free and available to all at churchofengland.org/JOIN.
Download the resources
If you have any questions about these resources 'or if you would like to discuss developing your children and youth ministry, please contact our Mustard Seed Team on MustardSeedTeam@chelmsford.anglican.org.