Bluebells Bluebells

Decision regarding the Archdeaconry of Harlow

12 April 2024

An announcement from the Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Rev Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani.

Shortly after I started my ministry in the Diocese of Chelmsford, and mindful of our shared direction of travel towards financial sustainability, I indicated that we would in due course consider whether it might be appropriate – as opportunity arose - to reduce the number of diocesan posts.

The Archdeaconry of Harlow, in the Barking Episcopal Area, is the smallest of the seven Archdeaconries in the diocese and was never intended as a full time post. After the retirement of Archdeacon Vanessa we began a consultation process to explore whether the Archdeaconry should continue as it is or be merged with other Archdeaconries. I’m very grateful to Bishop Lynne who has led the process and to all those who have taken part and shared their views.

Throughout the process several options have been considered:

Option A: The Deanery of Harlow join the Archdeaconry of Stansted and the Deanery of Epping Forest and Ongar join the Archdeaconry of Chelmsford.

Option B: the Deanery of Harlow and the Deanery of Epping Forest and Ongar both join the Archdeaconry of Stansted.

Option C: the Deanery of Harlow and the Deanery of Epping Forest and Ongar both join the Archdeaconry of Chelmsford.

Option D: Retain the status quo.

These four options were offered in a consultation with all interested parties within the Archdeaconries of Harlow, Chelmsford and Stansted. That consultation process closed on 18th March and a summary of the results, which have been compiled by Nathan Whitehead, are available here.

The majority supported making a change and the single largest response came in support of Option A. After further reflection and prayer, I’ve taken the decision that I will make a Bishop’s Pastoral Order to effect option A. This means we will reduce the number of Archdeacons to 6 and will not proceed with the appointment of a new Archdeacon of Harlow. Instead, the Harlow Deanery will become part of the Stansted Archdeaconry and the Colchester Episcopal Area, and the Epping Forest and Ongar Deanery will become part of the Chelmsford Archdeaconry and the Bradwell Episcopal Area. This means a redrawing, not only of Archdeaconry boundaries but also of Episcopal Areas. The signed Bishop’s Pastoral Order will now be made and a final copy circulated to all interested parties when that has happened to confirm date of effect. At the June 2024 Diocesan Synod a clarificatory amendment will be put forward to reflect this change in our Area Scheme.

This decision, being a matter which can be dealt with under a Bishop’s Pastoral Order, is one I have been able to make as Diocesan Bishop. I was very keen to hear from and take into account views from the consultation. I am deeply grateful to all who took the time to engage with the consultation and share their views. I had left open the possibility of bringing the matter back to the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee for further consultation. However, with the result from the consultation being clear and mindful that waiting for the next DMPC was going to add further delay to the process, I decided to proceed with this announcement. My sense is that for most people concerned, it is important that a decision be reached as soon as possible.

I believe this change, whilst it does undoubtedly have some moderate financial advantages, also leads to a better balance in size between our three Episcopal Areas. Achieving this across such a wide and diverse diocese is no easy feat, however, with this change there will be a better balance in respect of the number of people we serve and the members of our churches. The change also brings greater alignment with civic boundaries, enabling the Episcopal Area teams to be more closely associated with the geographical areas they serve.

Having discussed this with them, I’m also confident that the Archdeacons of Stansted and Chelmsford will be able to absorb the increased work load in such a way that none of the clergy or parishes will suffer as a result. They, together with the Area Bishops of Colchester and Bradwell, are looking forward to welcoming those from the Harlow and Epping Forest & Ongar deaneries and working with them.

I appreciate that change is seldom easy and that this decision may be unwanted or painful for some. It does, of course, represent an ending of sorts. I want to acknowledge that and give thanks for all that has been good about the past and brought us to this point. However, the change also represents a new beginning with all the opportunities that fresh starts afford. So, in this Easter season, I hope that together we will be able to embrace the change, in hopeful anticipation of what lies ahead, and that we will move forward with a renewed sense of commitment to one another as part of one diocesan family.

+Guli Chelmsford
April 2024