From 27th April 2018 our provider of online DBS applications changed to thirtyone:eight previously known as the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS).
Click on a link below to take you to the relevant section:
- What is a Lead Recruiter and why do we need one?
- How to register a new Lead/Additional Recruiter
- DBS Checks for Recruiters
- Courses required for Recruiters
- Online DBS completion Guidance
- Initiating and processing online DBS Applications
- thirtyone:eight Recruiters Updates
- Contact thirtyone:eight
What is a Lead Recruiter and why do we need one?
To be able to obtain DBS certificates vis the Diocese of Chelmsford your parish/benefice must have at least one individual registered as a Lead Recruiter (DBS Administrator/Clerk) with our Ebulk provider, thirtyone:eight.
Although many PSOs (Parish Safeguarding Officers) also take on the role of Lead Recruiter (DBS Administrator/Clerk), organising, processing and managing online DBS applications, this is NOT mandatory or assumed.
- The role of the Recruiter is one of trust and requires a high degree of honesty and integrity. The Recruiter(s) will be privy to highly confidential and potentially sensitive information and we do therefore require that the role is filled by person(s) with the highest principles.
- The 'Lead Recruiter' will be the main point of contact between thirtyone:eight and the parish/benefice.
- In addition to the Lead Recruiter, it is advisable that there is at least one other Recruiter appointed within the parish to view and check ID for the online DBS applications. This is so that thirtyone:eight always have a point of contact if the Lead Recruiter is unavailable; or if they, or a relative of theirs, needs an online DBS check. This person would be the 'Additional Recruiter'.
- If you are going to be a Recruiter for more than 1 parish please contact the Safeguarding Team ( prior to submitting your completed Electronic DBS Recruiter Registration Form as we may need to agree a joint ‘title’ to facilitate access via a single login in these circumstances.
All potential Lead/Additional Recruiters must read the thirtyone:eight Statement of Fair Processing which includes that you will agree to:
- Follow the instructions contained within thirtyone:eight guidance
- Not proceed with any online DBS check until the applicants have completed and returned a confidential declaration to the Recruiter.
- Ensure that all User Accounts and other details are kept safe and secure.
- Not share User Account Details with any party not explicitly authorised by thirtyone:eight.
- Ensure that any DBS checks requested or carried out are justified and allowable as per the DBS Code of Practice and other relevant legislation
- Ensure identity verification is done with due diligence and in full compliance with the DBS Code of Practice, DBS guidance or any other applicable guidance or legislation.
Each Recruiter will need to have a secure email address and be able to send and receive emails:
- As the email address forms part of the Recruiter's secure login details, it can only be used once. This means that, for security reasons, the Lead Recruiter and the Additional Recruiter are not able to use the same email address.
- This email address could be a church email address e.g. but, for security reasons, it should NOT be a shared email address OR an email address which is associated with employment/voluntary work outside of their church role e.g.
How to register a new Lead/Additional Recruiter
- Please download a DBS Recruiter Registration Form which requires completion (having an Additional Recruiter is optional).
- On the DBS Recruiter Registration Form, please tick the ‘Update Registration’ box and enter your parish/benefice 10 digit Organisation Reference Number. If you are unsure what your parish/benefice 10 digit Organisation Reference Number is, please email
- The person(s) approved by the PCC to take on the position(s) need to complete their details in the relevant box(es) and sign by hand (the Incumbent/Priest-in-Charge/Chair of a PCC in vacancy, will not be permitted to sign the bottom of the second page of the DBS Recruiter Registration Form if they are, or will be, a Lead/Additional Recruiter).
- The fully completed DBS Recruiter Registration Form can then either be scanned and sent to us via email: OR posted to us at: Safeguarding Team, Diocese of Chelmsford, 53 New Street, Chelmsford CM1 1AT.
- Upon receipt of your completed DBS Recruiter Registration Form we will advise the Recruiter(s) of the next steps via an email from
- Once registration is complete, login details, instructions and full guidance will be sent to the registered email address(es) by thirtyone:eight to each Lead/Additional Recruiter.
- If you have one individual that will be remaining in their current role of Lead/Additional Recruiter OR an individual that is changing from Lead Recruiter to Additional Recruiter (or vice versea), please note this when sending the completed DBS Recruiter Registration Form to us.
- If you are stepping down as a Lead/Additional Recruiter, please email the safeguarding team at to make us aware of this change so that we can update our records and ensure that thirtyone:eight update theirs accordingly too.
DBS (UK Criminal Record Checks) for Recruiters
The role of Recruiter alone is not automatically eligible for an Enhanced DBS check. If the Recruiter is also on the PCC they may be eligible for an Enhanced DBS check without the barred lists. In these circumstances please go to What level of DBS are PCC members eligible for? for further reading.
Please remember that we cannot accept DBS certificates from other organisations unless the individual has subscribed themselves to the DBS Update Service to make their certificate portable/transferrable. In these circumstances please email and we will explain exactly what information we would require to be able to carry out a quick and free online Status Check.
For those Recruiters that are not eligibile for an Enhanced DBS check, a Basic DBS check can be processed.
Church of England Courses required for Recruiters
Church of England courses that every Recruiter is required to complete (ideally within 6 months of their appointment).
Please be aware: Regardless of your professional/secular background you are still required to complete all of the required Church of England Safeguarding Courses. The only other accreditation that the Church of England National Safeguarding Team will accept instead is from the Methodist Church as their training covers both child and adult safeguarding in a Christian Faith setting.
Online DBS completion Guidance
Once your parish is registered login details, instructions and full guidance will be sent by thirtyone:eight to the registered email address of each Lead Recruiter and Additional Recruiter.
Please click on the links below to see thirtyone:eight's short, easy to follow video tutorials that give instructions on how to complete different parts of the online DBS process:
- Procedure for an Applicant to Login
- Procedure for Recruiter Login
- Completing Section Y (Lead Recruiters Only)
- Reports (Lead Recruiters Only)
- Editing an Online Application Form (Lead Recruiters Only)
- Queried Online Applications (Lead Recruiters Only)
Initiating and processing online DBS Applications
- The registered Recruiter sends an invite email to the DBS applicant (the template for the invite is Appendix 3 in the Recruiter's Guide). The email should include:
The Applicant's Guide (either as a link or attachment)
Your Organisation Reference number and your Organisation Passcode
The Position Applied For. The Recruiter should provide them with this information and it must reflect their eligibility for the check. (i.e. How they are working with children and /or adults).
- Using the information in the email sent to them the applicant will now be able to login to thirtyone:eight and create their online DBS application.
- Once the applicant has completed their part of their online DBS application form they will need to arrange for the Recruiter to check their identity documents.
- The Recruiter will check the applicant's evidence of identity and add this information to the online DBS application.
- Only the Lead Recruiter can now amend any incorrect information on the online DBS Application form (with the applicant’s consent), complete section Y and click Approve to electronicaly send the application to thirtyone:eight .
- thirtyone:eight check the online DBS application before it is countersigned by them and forwarded to the DBS for processing.
thirtyone:eight Recruiters Updates
thirtyone:eight Recruiters Update - November 2024
Contact thirtyone:eight
The guidance booklet contains all the information needed to start processing DBS checks electronically, however, should you need advice about any aspect of the electronic DBS application process the disclosures team at thirtyone:eight are available to help you.
They can be contacted by calling 0303 003 11 11 (option 1) or emailing