Person undertaking online training Person undertaking online training

What Safeguarding courses am I required to do?

Click on a link below to take you to the relevant section:

Basic Awareness

Recommended for anyone wanting or needing a Basic Awareness of safeguarding.

Required for:

  • ALL Church Officers, including, but not limited to:
  • Safeguarding Officers / Leads (e.g. PSOs)
  • Anyone holding a licence, commission, authorisation, permission to officiate or permission to carry out similar ministerial functions (including Honorary/Assistant Bishops, Chaplains, Reader Emeritus & ALPs)
  • Anyone in a role which involves working/volunteering with children (under 18 year olds) and/or adults at risk (vulnerable adults)
  • Bishops Visitors / Pastoral Visitors
  • Line managers and/or anyone involved in the recruitment, selection, appointment, management of Church Officers (employees, elected members, and volunteers)
  • Those with responsibility for administering DBS (Lead and Additional Recruiters)
  • Churchwardens
  • PCC Members
  • Lay Chapter Members
  • Vergers
  • Non-executive members of Chapter
  • Pre-ordination or license students, prior to BAP or selection Panel.
  • Anyone going on to complete any other Church of England safeguarding course

Access the Basic Awareness training


Required for:

  • Safeguarding Officers / Leads (e.g. PSOs)
  • Anyone holding a licence, commission, authorisation, permission to officiate or permission to carry out similar ministerial functions (including Honorary/Assistant Bishops, Chaplains, Reader Emeritus & ALPs)
  • Anyone in a role which involves working/volunteering with children (under 18 year olds) and/or adults at risk (vulnerable adults)
  • Bishops Visitors / Pastoral Visitors
  • Line managers and/or anyone involved in the recruitment, selection, appointment, management of Church Officers (employees, elected members, and volunteers)
  • Those with responsibility for administering DBS (Lead and Additional Recruiters)
  • Churchwardens
  • PCC Members
  • Lay Chapter Members
  • Vergers
  • Non-executive members of Chapter
  • Pre-ordination or license students, prior to BAP or selection Panel.
  • Anyone going on to complete any other Church of England safeguarding course

Completion of the Basic Awareness Course is a pre-requisite.

Access the Foundation training

Safer Recruitment and People Management

Required for Line managers and anyone involved in the recruitment, selection, appointment, management of Church Officers (employees, elected members, and volunteers). Including, but not limited to:

  • Those with responsibility for administering DBS check and/or requesting overseas criminal record checks (Lead/Additional Recruiters)
  • Safeguarding Officers in all Church bodies (e.g. PSOs)
  • Ordinands during IME 1

Completion of the Basic Awareness Course and then the Foundation Course is a pre-requisite.

Access the online training

Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse

Recommended for persons holding a pastoral role within the Church

Required for:

  • Anyone holding a licence, commission, authorisation, permission to officiate or permission to carry out similar ministerial functions (including Honorary/Assistant Bishops, Chaplains, Reader Emeritus & ALPs)
  • Safeguarding Officers / Leads (e.g. PSOs)
  • Bishops’ Visitors/Pastoral Visitors
  • Churchwardens
  • PCC Members/Lay Chapter Members
  • Ordinands during IME 1

Completion of the Basic Awareness Course and then the Foundation Course is a pre-requisite

Access the online training


Leadership Training is required for people who play a lead role in shaping the culture of their parish. Including, but not limited to:

  • All clergy holding the Bishop’s licence, commission, authorisation, or permission (including PtO where exemption has not been given) including Honorary/Assistant Bishops and Chaplains
  • All Readers and Licensed Lay Ministers holding the Bishop’s licence (under Canons E6 & E8), together with all others who hold the Bishop’s commission, authorisation, or permission to carry out similar ministerial functions (including PtO where exemption has not been given)
  • Safeguarding Officers / Leads in all Church bodies (e.g. PSOs)
  • Non-executive members of Chapter (unless their role in the diocese requires a higher level).
  • Churchwardens at a Parishes currently without an Incumbent
  • Ordinands need to have completed the Leadership Pathway before their diaconal ordination and lay ministers in training before they are licensed
  • It should also, according to the local context, include such other people who significantly influence the culture of that Church body. These may include, for example, lay ministry staff employed by a PCC or BMO, locally appointed leaders of new worshipping communities and focal ministers.

Completion of the Basic Awareness Course and then the Foundation Course is a pre-requisite.

Access the Leadership training

PSO (Parish Safeguarding Officer) Induction

Recommended for existing PSOs (Parish Safeguarding Officers)
Required for persons taking on the role of PSO (Parish Safeguarding Officer)

Completion of the Basic Awareness Course and then the Foundation Course is a pre-requisite.

Access the PSO training

Courses PCC members are required to complete

  1. Basic Awareness
  2. Foundation
  3. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
  • PCC members that are also line managers and/or involved in the recruitment, selection, appointment, management of Church Officers* (employees or elected members or volunteers) would also be required to complete the Safer Recruitment and People Management course too.
  • Churchwardens at parishes currently without an Incumbent would also be required to complete the Leadership course too, but ANY Churchwarden is welcome to attend.

Courses Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSOs) are required to complete

  1. Basic Awareness
  2. Foundation
  3. Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
  4. Safer Recruitment and People Management
  5. Leadership
  6. PSO (Parish Safeguarding Officer) Induction

Courses Lead & Additional Recruiters (DBS Administrators) are required to complete

  1. Basic Awareness
  2. Foundation
  3. Safer Recruitment and People Management

If you are not sure which course(s) you are required to complete please contact the safeguarding team.


When/how often do I need to complete the Church of England Safeguarding Course(s)?

It is expected that people work to achieve the required level of learning as soon as is practicable upon starting a new role. For example, PCC members often end up standing for election on the day and their appointment takes effect immediately. It is not therefore realistic to say that they must be trained before they start. The required core safeguarding learning pathways should be a priority with Basic Awareness and Foundation being completed as part of an induction process and the remaining core pathways being completed within six months of an individual taking up a post  - Church of England Safeguarding Learning & Development Framework 2021

Add a reminder to your diary!

Refresher learning should be completed at a three-yearly interval and will keep knowledge and skills up to date. It is expected that everyone will have been trained to the required level within each three-yearly cycle. Refresher learning should be undertaken at the highest required level (as per safeguarding training in the statutory sector) - Church of England Safeguarding Learning & Development Framework 2021

The Diocese Safeguarding Team is NOT able to send out reminders to individuals or parishes. Please make a note to book yourself onto the relevant level of Church of England Safeguarding Course(s) every 3 years.

For more information or to report anything wrong with this page please contact Laura Tyler - Part Time Safeguarding Administrator