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Your search for Travelling well together has found 24 results.

Travelling Well Together

…with a focus on Travelling Well Together. Our approach Our purpose is to love God and to love our neighbour; to worship faithfully and empowered by the Holy Spirit witness to the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ as we serve the extraordinarily diverse array of local communities in…

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Travelling Well Together - a pastoral letter from Bishop Guli, Bishop Roger and Bishop Lynne

…introducting a document titled Travelling Well Together. Read the pastoral letter Read Travelling Well Together Following his election as Bishop of Liverpool at York Minster on Friday 20 January, Bishop John is no longer the Bishop of Bradwell and so is not a signatory of the letter. Pastoral letter Monday…

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Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board awards Chelmsford Diocese £2.2m to support missional work in deaneries

…the values outlined in Travelling Well Together seeking to build our capacity to work alongside our deaneries and parishes. The capacity funding will enable us to prayerfully discern together in creative partnership, plans for future missional investment applications to the SMMIB from each Episcopal Area in the Diocese of Chelmsford.…

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Articles for parish magazines and websites

This page contains articles and other content that you may find helpful to use in parish magazines, on websites and in other communications .

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Bishop Guli’s Presidential Address to Chelmsford Diocesan Synod, June 2023

…had stumbled across our Travelling Well Together document and had heard that our approach here in Chelmsford was a little different to the more conventional one adopted in many places, and he was intrigued. He wondered if a conversation would help him in his discernment process. This was a scary…

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Parish Support Conversation

…our churches can be well supported Introduction from Archdeacon Ruth Patten In Autumn 2023 we started a conversation about how parishes and worshipping communities across Chelmsford Diocese can be well supported in future. This conversation is an important next step in Travelling Well Together. Travelling Well Together is not a…

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Bishop Guli responds to General Synod vote on Living in Love and Faith

…prayers. “My ongoing commitment, together with our Area Bishops and the other members of the Bishop’s Leadership Team, is to promote and encourage a way of travelling well together, despite the differences in what we believe, and despite the inevitable pain those differences cause.” Further information: Church of England Press…

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Bishop Guli’s Easter Message

…when we break bread together. But there are also times when, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we fail to recognise Jesus even when he is walking alongside us. Do we see him in the face of the person with whom we profoundly disagree, or the face of…

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Creating Dementia friendly churches

Presentation from Julia Burton Jones Julia Burton-Jones is Anna Chaplaincy lead for the Dioceses of Rochester and Canterbury, and also works as Church Lead for the national Anna Chaplaincy team at The Bible Reading Fellowship. She spoke at the Barking Area study day on dementia on 27 March about ways…

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Diocesan Synod, March 2023, Presidential Address by the Bishop of Chelmsford

…personal faith journey as well as my ministry here among you. I’m grateful to Philip Need and John Bloomer who helped plan and organise the pilgrimage, and to all who’ve got involved in any way including the Area Bishops and other members of the Bishop’s Leadership Team who have joined…

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