Blossom Blossom

Deanery Wellbeing Champions

Deanery Wellbeing Champions will listen to colleagues and signpost avenues for wellbeing support both within and outside our diocese

Deanery champions are people with a genuine interest in wellbeing, who want ministerial colleagues to thrive, and are prepared to be a ‘voice’ on wellbeing issues, acting as a catalyst to encourage positive conversations about wellbeing.

They are by no means experts, and are aware of their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses, but are committed to becoming familiar with the range of wellbeing support options and keeping in touch with Andy Griffiths and the Wellbeing steering group, as we develop an ongoing conversation throughout the diocese.

Within their own boundaries and limits they may listen to colleagues when appropriate, and signpost avenues for wellbeing support within and without the diocese.  

For more information or to report anything wrong with this page please contact Andy Griffiths