God is still in the business of raising young men and women as prophets and leaders in our world, especially in the Church.
Chat to us on how you can be part of this wave of change that young Priests are bringing into our world. Get in touch with your local advisor.
The calling of a Priest
Have you ever contemplated the idea of standing before many people to preside over the (Eucharist) Holy Communion?
Have you thought of the idea of wearing a dog collar or clerical gear?
Have you ever thought of being in the midst of people, helping and encouraging them in times of need and crisis as well as in the times of joy and celebration?
Then you are already on the journey towards ordained ministry or some sort of ministry in the Church of Christ.

Signs that God may be calling you to ordained ministry
- You have a persistent strong urge to be part of the priestly ministry.
- Other people (you trust) recognise or have commended ordination to you
- It has to be realistic, it may not be immediately apparent, but should be as time goes by
- You have an idea of what life as an ordained clergy might entail
- You love challenges and making a positive difference in the life of people
- The idea may sound insane at times – but then you keep coming back to it.
- You have a persistent urge to share your faith with others.
If all these strike you as familiar signs, then it’s probably time to speak to us:
Initially, you can speak to your Vicar/Minister in your church about ordination or other forms of ministry in the Church.
God calls us to an active discipleship and relationship with Jesus
We are called to be representatives of Jesus in this world and we are individually gifted to work with God and one another towards making our world a better, just and fairer place for our generation and for the future generations.
What is your gift and in what way can it be of use to God’s business?
Some are gifted or called to:
A life of priesthood: a life-long vocation to serve God and God’s people and reflecting God’s love to others indiscriminately.
Lay Licensed Ministry such as; Lay Licensed Minister, Evangelist, Authorised Preacher, Spiritual Companion and so on.
Get in touch now, lets discern together how God might be calling you to use your gifts to make our world a better place.
Young people are showing us that they can be a powerful force to deliver the change that will heal our hurting world. Young people’s faith in Christ is already translating into increased vocation in the Church of England. Come and join this exciting revolution.
If you feel that you would like to join the movement of young people who are changing our world for the better, we have plenty of advisers and helpers (appointed by the Bishops) to listen to you, guide you and help through the journey.
To have a heart-to-heart conversation, either as a one-off or on an on-going basis, why not speak to one of the Mustard Seed Team.