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Mission and Ministry team

Find out more about the team below.

Emma Anderton

Emma is the Childrens, Families and Youth Missioner for the Barking Episcopal Area, working across the Diocese with the rest of the Mustard Seed Team, supporting those called into Children and Young People's ministry.

She specialises in intergenerational worship, Messy Church, Godly Play, baptism & communion preparation, children’s spirituality and Youth Synod.

Revd Jessica Bostock

Hi, my name is Jessica and I am the Secretary to the Diocesan Director of Ordinands. This basically means that I am a minion, dealing with the paperwork for those who feel called to Ordained Ministry and the wider DDO Team members.

I do this for candidates from their first contact with the department right through training and up until they are ordained priests. This is a wonderful job and it is a joy and a privilege to be of service to those pursuing their vocations. 

Revd Becs Challis

Following on from Curacy I joined the Diocese of Chelmsford in 2024 as a Programme Manager within Dawn’s team. Supporting the Barking Episcopal Area in particular, my role is involved in the design, discernment and delivery of missional growth funded through securing investment from the Diocesan Investment Programme, which is governed by the Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board (SMMIB).

Prior to ordination my background has been varied but always centred around process improvement, innovation and change. Most recently working within strategic change and managing a development portfolio of Projects for a Not-for-Profit.

I am a big picture thinker who enjoys creating connections and encouraging the gifts of others, especially those who share a neurodivergent view of the world.  I am keen that everyone has an opportunity to authentically become all God created us to be.

Revd Ann Coleman

A team of 10 tutors, in four centres, lead the modular Spirtual Companionship course. The Biblical foundation is the story of the Emmaus Road where Christ comes and travels alongside those two disciples on the first Easter evening. Spiritual companions are called to be life servants not life fixers to others and the tutor team model this experience in their facilitating of the course. I am also Parish Priest of All Saints Doddinghurst and to get around the village I have an electric tricycle!

Sue Denham

Sue Denham works to support the CMD Advisers, undertaking the administrative and organisational work which goes on behind the scenes. 

Sue is the person who ensures payment of grants once the CMD Advisers have approved a grant application. If one or all of the Advisers are out of the office teaching on a course, Sue can often give advice.

Revd Tim Goodbody

The role of DDO is to listen to people who are sensing that God may be prompting them to explore a vocation as a priest. The DDO is attentive to the story of the individual’s life and faith as a whole.  

A process of discernment helps the DDO decide whether to recommend to the Bishop that the person should be sent to a Bishop's Advisory Panel, who test the candidate's calling within the framework set by the Church of England and then recommend to their Bishop if they should be trained for Ordained Ministry.

Revd Canon Andy Griffiths

Andy Griffiths has been  Bradwell Area CMD advisor since October 2017. In June 2023 he took on responsibility for wellbeing and formation, which includes areas such as annual reviews, counselling, coaching, mediation and deanery wellbeing champions. Previously, he was Director of Studies for a theological college in Hungary, was an incumbent for 12 years (including supervising three curates) and served as Area Dean for 10 years.

He was Head of Training for the Diocese until June 2023. He has written on church merger, the Moravian movement, formation, incumbency and the contribution of schools to ministerial formation, is a passionate believer in community organising, and has an interest in new monastic initiatives.

Caroline Harding

Caroline was licensed as an LLM in 2015 to 6 rural parishes in the Harlow Deanery. She has a busy ministry here leading Collective Worship in the 3 Church of England Schools within those parishes, taking regular Sunday services and numerous funerals.

She was appointed Lay Ministry Adviser in August 2020 and enjoys the opportunity of working within the Vocations and Training Team to discern, equip and celebrate the plethora of ministries within this diverse Diocese.

Diane Harding

Diane looks after the administration for all Lay ministry training, including the Course in Christian Studies, Pastoral Assistant, Licensed Lay Ministers and Authorised Local Preacher. 

Diane joined the Diocese full time in November 2014, but now works part-time, from Tuesday to Thursday.  She has a background in Financial Services, where she worked for nearly 25 years in Customer Services, as an administrator or Manager.

Revd Canon Ian Hilton

Ian took up this post as Coclhester Area CMD Adviser in May 2018. Within the CMD Team Ian is the Lead Adviser on Pioneer Ministry and Mission. His background is ten years in parish ministry in the Diocese of Southwell (curate, team vicar church planting in an outer estate) and then twenty years as Rector of a parish in Colchester here in Chelmsford Diocese. 

During this time he also developed experience as a training incumbent, an Area Dean and held various Diocesan and community responsibilities. Ian has a particular interest in pioneer ministry in all its forms. He continues to be involved in the development of the Colchester Pioneer Hub and will be seeking to develop support for those on Pioneer training pathways. Ian loves walking having completed the Coast to Coast, Offa’s Dyke and the Cumbrian Way in recent years.

Sara Hodges

Sara is the Project Support Officer supporting Dawn Weddell with the Diocese Missional growth projects as well as supporting other projects in the Diocese.

Sara is a Prince2 qualified project manager and is also a qualified Swimming instructor who teaches adults and children every weekend at her local swimming pool.

Revd Canon Dr Elizabeth Jordan

Within the Diocesan Training Team I gather and deliver material on leadership. I facilitate training workshops for new incumbents, including lay people with significant parish responsibilities, for churchwardens and for Area Deans. I was ordained deacon in 1987 and priest in 1992 and have held a variety of parish and training roles. 

I am particularly keen to encourage healthy relationships between lay and ordained members of God’s church – this was the subject of a doctorate I completed in 2017. I prefer to be outdoors, walking, gardening or sailing though when it’s cold I enjoy being inside, reading poetry and anything written about the politics of the Tudor Court.

Revd Rob Merchant

Rob joined the Diocese of Chelsmford in 2020. His role is one that links together different aspects of the life of the diocese, including learning and development programmes for ordinands, clergy and lay leaders, vocations, ministerial development reviews, the work of our education team supporting 138 church schools, the Mustard Seed Team, our Strategic Development funded projects, and supporting the growth of new worshipping communities across Essex and East London. 

Rob’s background is as varied as his role. He has worked as a care worker for people with learning difficulties and his ordained ministry has included being parish priest in urban and rural settings. He has worked as an academic, and more recently as Director of St Mellitus College, Chelmsford, Essex.

His interests include ageing, mental health and trauma. He is married to Tamsin, a vicar in the Diocese of London, and has two sons, aged 14 and 16. His passion in life is to see people flourish in the ministry to which they are called, in whatever walk of life that may be.

Steve Norris

Steve Norris is a Licensed Lay Minister and is one of the Diocesan Evangelism Training Co-ordinators. In serving in this role Steve is partly responsible for developing and delivering the Diocesan Local Evangelist and Evangelism Team Leader courses, and several other Bible study courses. 

Steve lives in Essex with his wife Rev Wendy and serves as a Licensed Lay Minister in his local benefice - the Two Rivers Benefice. He is also a Reader in the Diocese of StEdmundsbury and Ipswich.

Outside of church, Steve wears a variety of hats. He is a manager in a local debt advice and food bank charity, a town pastor, and a teacher and preacher in a variety of denominational settings. He enjoys spending time with his family, reading, and studying God's Word.

Alexandra Podd

The role of Assistant DDO (ADDO) is to work with the DDO to listen to people who are sensing that God may be prompting them to explore a vocation as a priest.

Alexandra is our ADDO and as part of this she has a particular responsibility for those who are underrepresented, particularly those who are young, among our ordinands. She holds this role half time alongside being a Vicar in the Diocese.

Belinda Ramsay

Belinda is the Children, Youth adn Families Adviser for the Barking Episcopal Area, working across the Diocese with the rest of the Mustard Seed Team, supporting those called into Children and Young People's ministry.

She specialises in additional needs, mental health & wellbeing (children & young people), working with young adults, schools' ministry and chaplaincy.

Carol Richards

I work part-time as Planning Research Officer for the diocese, advising on plans for new housing in Essex and East London and looking at the Christian presence in new and existing communities. 

In my spare time I play the clarinet in an 1840s West Gallery Band and a 1940s Dance Band.

Revd Canon Jane Richards

Previously serving as Vicar of St Andrew with Holy Cross, Basildon and Area Dean for Basildon, Jane was appointed to the role of Barking Area CMD Adviser in December 2022. Within the CMD Team she takes the lead on Training, both IME2 and Leadership. She serves as a Vice President of Chelmsford Diocesan Synod, representing clergy across the Diocese.

Jane served her Title post in a Local Ecumenical Partnership and has also been employed as a hospital chaplain so has had experience of ministry in a range of contexts. Jane brigns a wealth of experience from her professional life prior to ordination, giving her a deep understanding of the parishes and communities the diocese serves.

Martin Roscoe

Martin Roscoe is a Licensed Lay minister and is one of the Diocesan Evangelism Training Co-ordinators. In serving in this role Martin is partly responsible for developing and delivering the Diocesan Local Evangelist and Evangelism Team Leader courses. Martin lives in Colchester with his wife Diane and serves as a Licensed Lay Minister in his local parish – Greenstead with St. Anne in Colchester.

Outside of church Martin works as a Presenter for a local, commercial radio station in Colchester, Actual Radio, and presents the weekday afternoon shows.

Ann Sharp

Ann is the Early Years Adviser, working across the Diocese with the rest of the Mustard Seed Team, supporting those called into Children and Young People's ministry.

She specialises in work with children 0-5, pre-school & nursery settings, crèche, toddler and play groups, baptism preparation, nurturing faith, worship & RE within Early Years settings.

Steve Snooks

Steve is a volunteer in the Mission and Ministry team, helping to run the Diocesan Evangelism Training Programme. He is a retired cancer surgeon, LLM and now PTO in the Epping ministry team.

Dawn Weddel

Dawn is the Head of Missional Programme Management, overseeing the Diocese’s missional growth projects.  As well as being a Prince2 qualified Programme Manager, Dawn is also a CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) qualified HR Manager.  Dawn not only brings HR and project management skills to her role but has experience continuous improvement methodology.

She also brings wealth of knowledge and experience around volunteering as spent 11 years with Essex Police Special Constabulary, with six of those 11 years in a senior leadership role.

Matt Williamson

Matt is the Children’s, Families and Youth Adviser for the Colchester Episcopal Area, working across the Diocese with the rest of the Mustard Seed Team, supporting those called into Children and Young People's ministry.

He specialises in confirmation courses, schools ministry, collective worship, baby & toddler groups, mentoring and wellbeing and youth discipleship.

Sarah Wilson

Sarah joined Mission and Ministry in 2020. She manages Rob Merchant's diary and workload, administers the MDR review system and assists across the department in an administrative capacity, with particular reference to IME2 training and wellbeing.

Sarah has worked in church adminsitration since 2008, being Parish Administrator for the busy Witham Team Ministry until 2017, then moving to be administrator at the Diocesan Retreat House in Pleshey. In her spare time she enjoys reading, film watching (Hello to Jason Issacs) and craft activities. She is a Lay Preacher in the United Reformed Church.