The information page for Statistics for Mission (SfM), Parish Finance Return (PFR), Parish Information Return (PDCS) and Annual Meeting (APCM) Returns.
National Church ask for Statistics for Mission (SfM), Parish Finance Return (PFR) and Energy Footprint Tool (EFT) to be completed annually. This can be done online using the Online Parish Returns System, or by sending it to the Diocese by email ( or by post 53 New Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1AT.
The Diocese requires the Annual Meeting Return, which should contain the Electoral Roll number and Parish Information. This can be done through using the Parish Data Collection Service (PDCS), or by sending it to the Diocese by email ( or by post 53 New Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1AT.
Please select from the following to find out more.
Statistics for Mission (SfM)
This return starts in October each year, collecting attendance and memebrship figures as well as weddings and baptism numbers. It should be submitted by 31st January.
Statistics for Mission 2024 (Word version)
Statistics for Mission 2024 (PDF version)
Guidance for counting "Church at Home"
Instructions for adding a sub account to the Online Portal
Using the Statistics Portal - User Guide
National Church have provided further support for parishes completing the Statistics for Mission through with a video, slides and links to recommended resources, which can be found at: How to complete your Stats for Mission form and why it matters.
Parish Finance Return
The return made after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting each year, with an extract of the approved accounts. It should be submitted by 30th June.
Parish Finance Return 2024 (PDF version)
Parish Finance Return 2023 (Excel version) - 2024 version coming soon
Instructions for the submission of the Parish Finance Return via Finance Coordinator
Energy Footprint Return Details on church energy usage for working towards the Diocese 2030 carbon neutral target. Returns should be submitted by 31st July this year.
2023 Energy Footprint Tool (Word version) - 2024 version coming soon
2023 Energy Footprint Tool (PDF version) - 2024 version coming soon
Parish Information Return (PDCS)
Parish Information Return is the term used for when we ask for contact information for all appointed parish roles, and consent for the Diocese to store and use these details. It should be submitted soon after the APCM and updated with changes.
Parish Data Collection Service (PDCS) replaces the Parish People Return. PDCS is an online system, used for when there is a new person starting. The Parish Information Officer (PIO) is the person with an account and they log into the system (PDCS ( to input the new person's email. If your details are already in the system and you would like to notify us of a change to your role, change of conatct details or preferences to consent to sharing, please let the Database Team know.
To register an account for PDCS as the Parish Information Officer, please email the Database Team.
Annual Meeting Return
Parishes are required to advise the Diocese of the revised Electoral Roll number each year. Please complete this form and email to the Data Team. Find out more about completing the Electoral Roll by visiting this page.
*Coming soon an Annual Returns Vestry Wall Reminder Poster, which sumarises all the returns for the year in a calendar format, as a useful reminder.*
Please send the Diocese the audited and approved Parish Accounts, the Independent Examiners Certificate and the APCM report by 30th June.
by post to Data Team, 53 New Street, Chelmsford Essex CM1 1AT
Or email
Please send one copy of each document to us. We will share them with the Archdeacons so there is no need to take copies to the Visitation service.
Questions and Answers
If you cannot see your question answered, please call or email the Data Team using the details at the bottom of the page.
I have forgotten my username and/or password for Online Parish Returns System portal - how do I get a reminder?
Please call or email the Data Team on 01245 294418 or send an email.
I would like to submit our Statistics or Finance return online this year, how do I get an account set up?
Please call or email the Data Team on 01245 294418 or send an email.
I have an email with instructions for how to register for Online Returns, but there is no parish code or password at the top of the page as the instructions say!
The email was a reminder sent to a number of PCC Secretaries and clergy and therfore could not contain information about an individual parish - please contact the Data Team by email or phone to get the registration details - contact information at the bottom of this page.
Can I use the provided username and password to register 3 times for the 3 churches in our parish?
The registration details can only be used once to create one 'master' account per parish.
Once this is done sub accounts relating to the individual churches in the parish can be created, with the details of the responsible individuals, so that they can have separate accounts to make the returns.
This is why it is advised that parishes set up the 'master' account with a generic email address, rather than an individuals personal address, so that it can be administered in the future as post holders change.
We have three parishes in our benefice who share a website and generic email address. We have been provided three separate logins for the online portal; can we use the same email address when registering for a login?
The system requires a unique email address at registration to work correctly and will not allow a second account to be registered with same address.
How do I add a sub account, so that one of the churches in our parish can enter their own statistics and finance returns?
Please follow the step by step guide available here.
Our Treasurer wants to enter the finance return directly into the online portal, how do I create an account for them to do this?
Similar to the question above, Please follow the step by step guide to add a sub account here
I am trying to register but the system is telling me that the details have already been used when I click submit?
The system requires the username and the email address to be unique in order to create the account.
For the username, try adding an element of your parish name to make it unique.
For email address, is it possible that someone from another parish in your benefice has already used a shared email address to register?
I have registered for the online returns, but our wardens still want to complete the form the old way on paper. Where can I get the form for them to complete, which I will then type in to the online system?
The forms can be downloaded from the link at the top of this page or from the 'Home' page on the online portal at: You do not need to be logged in.