10 February 2025
On the weekend of 8 - 9 February 2025, Chelmsford Cathedral held two services to celebrate those who have completed diocesan courses and to recognise the service and contribution of people in our church communities.
Course in Christian Studies and Pastoral Care Course Celebration
On Saturday 8 February, people from across Chelmsford DIocese gathered at Chelmsford Cathedral to celebrate those who have completed our diocesan Course in Christian Studies (CCS) and Pastoral Care Courses. Participants received their certificates from Bishop Lynne, who also led the service.
There were nine CCS groups represented, drawn from the many different communities across our large and diverse diocese. Despite the differences in their contexts and backgrounds, participants have all been on a similar journey of deepening discipleship and fellowship, as they have learned to read Scripture together, to question and challenge, to provide encouragement and support, and to pray for one another and for their communities.
There were two Pastoral Care groups receiving certificates. The students in these groups have felt a call from God to a specific, pastoral ministry within their communities and have been dedicated to train and equip themselves to better serve their brothers and sisters as disciples of Christ.
Photos of the course groups can be seen below and further photos from the service will be added soon.
St Cedd Medal Recipients
On Sunday 9 February. we recognised the service and contribution of three people from churches across our diocese who received the St Cedd's Medal. The medal is awarded, with the gratitude of the Bishop of Chelmsford, to lay members of the Diocese for their distinguished service over many years. Sunday's recipients were:
Philip Hawkes from St Mary the Virgin Lindsell
Philip’s dedicated service as Church Warden of St Mary the Virgin, Lindsell, has been borne out in his commitment to ensuring that God is worshipped each Sunday in the Lindsell area. He leads worship with his fellow Church Warden and is well known for his support for, and hospitality to, Church Wardens across the Dunmow deanery. His contribution to diocesan life has extended beyond the parish and deanery and he was a respected Chairman of the Diocesan Finance Committee for many years.
Robert Parmenter from St Edmund's Chruch Abbess Roding
Robert has served as Church Warden at St Edmund’s Church, Abbess Roding since 1975, demonstrating faithful commitment to the people of Abbess Roding and the mission of St Edmund’s Church. He has lived out his deep faith by building and maintaining strong links between the church and the wider community, including organising the ’Walk of a Thousand Men’ mission. Robert was instrumental in establishing and running the 1st Rodings Scout Troop and a Youth Club. He has also personally delivered the church magazine for the last 30 years to everyone in the parish, using this as a focus to build good and lasting relationships with people from all walks of life.
Caroline Robinson from Chelmsford Cathedral
Caroline joined the Cathedral staff in 1996 to support the Dean with the Cathedral finances, having previously worked for HM Treasury. She went on to become the Chief Finance Officer and oversaw the Cathedral's finances as the sole member of the finance team for the majority of her time. Her role grew and expanded alongside the development and expansion of the Cathedral. Caroline was elected to the Executive of the Cathedrals Administration and Finance Association in 2005 and also served on the Executive of the Association of English Cathedrals. She retired from her roles in the Autumn of 2024 but continues to worship at the Cathedral and is very active with her volunteer roles.
Recognising service and contribution
The St Cedd's Medal is one of a number of ways we recognise service and contribution to the life of our churches and communities in Chelmsford Diocese. If there is somebody in your church community who you would like to put forward for recognition, please email the Bishop of Chelmsford's Chaplain, the Rev'd Dr Rachel Pennant at chaplain@chelmsford.anglican.org.