Theatre Revd Hilda Gilbert

Theatre Chaplaincy

14 March 2023

Revd Hilda Gilbert, Associate Priest at Walthamstow, St Andrew, is one of several new Theatre Chaplains to join Theatre Chaplaincy UK

Hilda writes about her chaplaincy role and explains how she will be supporting those in the theatre industry:

“On Tuesday 28 June 2022 I was commissioned as a theatre chaplain at St. Paul’s Covent Garden (the Actors’ Church) for the London West End Theatres.

“My role is to visit my assigned theatre regularly, to offer support to those off-stage, on-stage, front of house and backstage. We offer pastoral and practical support to people of all faiths and none.

“Theatre chaplains seek to be a source of stability and support to theatre professionals, offering a friendly and confidential listening ear to anyone in need of it. I feel this is a privilege and a great opportunity.

“Theatre can be quite an uncertain profession that demands a lot, one can be in work, then out of work. Chaplains are there to help people in this uncertain industry.

"There is also a misconception that all actors are confident outgoing characters. I had always imagined actors had a special kind of resilience to do their jobs. I am learning that like everyone else, sometimes actors can be very scared, or worry what people think about them.

“I have gone through training, to help me understand the role and issues specific to Theatre Chaplaincy. After several months of paperwork and an interview with the Bishop of London I was given permission to officiate in the London Diocese.

“I am currently waiting to be set up in one of London’s West End Theatres. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.”


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