The Rev Elise Peterson

Women’s Ministry Support

The Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Rev Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani has appointed the Rev Elise Peterson as the new Chelmsford Diocese Women’s Ministry Adviser. Elise will succeed the Rev Lynn Hurry who recently stood down from the role.

Commenting on Elise’s appointment, Bishop Guli said:

“I’m very grateful to Elise for accepting this important role. She will bring significant experience from parish ministry and from her time serving as a Women’s Ministry Adviser for the Barking Episcopal Area. I also want to take this opportunity to thank Lynn Hurry for her contribution during the time she was Diocesan Women’s Ministry Adviser. Please do join me in praying for them and for Elise especially as she begins this role, supporting female ministers in our diocese, linking with the National Network and providing advice to myself and the Bishop’s Leadership Team.”

The Rev Elise Peterson said:

“I was pleased to accept Bishop Guli’s recent invitation to become Women’s Ministry Adviser for the diocese. I look forward to working with Bishop Guli and her team, and alongside the area Women’s Ministry Advisers to offer practical and prayerful support to female clergy across the diocese.

My first masters degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon focused on pastoral care to women and I’m excited to call upon that education and my own experiences in this new role.”

Elise Peterson is Vicar of Rainham and Wennington where she will continue to serve alongside her role as Women’s Ministry Adviser.

The Rev Elise Petersen

The Rev Elise Petersen

Phone 07888 441659 or send an email

Tips and Resources for churches

For churches blessed by having female ministers or looking to support, train and encourage women in ministry, here are a few basics:

  1. Please be respectful and do not gender stereotype
  2. Please learn to listen and be willing to offer the space for our truth
  3. Treat all clergy the same, no matter what their gender
  4. Use gender-neutral language e.g. vicar, rather than woman/lady vicar
  5. If a member of your clergy takes parental leave, embrace the opportunity to explore how your church operates as a supportive community where all are able to flourish and perhaps try to see how your deanery can respond collegially
  6. Women and men are different. We can celebrate the giftings of our diversity, not all women are the same, just as not all men are!

PCCs, church staff, and those in leadership are also encouraged to undertake some unconscious bias training. There is space for us all to be more aware of how we are treating others and to ensure equity and justice is promoted through our actions.

Episcopal Area Women's Ministry Advisers

The Diocesan Women’s Ministry Adviser is supported in their role by a small team of Women's Ministry Advisers for each of our Episcopal Areas.

  • Our Women’s Ministry Advisors look to promote the full inclusion of ordained women by:
  • Supporting the well-being of ordained women in their ministry
  • Assessing the Diocese’s progress through regular monitoring of statistics such as the proportion of Incumbents, or those recommended for ordination training, who are female.
  • Promoting good practice to ensure women are encouraged and enabled
  • Encouraging the vocations of young women
  • Ensuring the Five Guiding Principles are at the core of the ministry

Barking Area Women’s Adviser

Reverend Eileen Rose

Reverend Eileen Rose

Phone 07930 269 877 or send an email

Colchester Area Women’s Advisers

Reverend Rachel Prior

Reverend Rachel Prior

Phone 01376 325277 or send an email

Reverend Sarah Hayward

Reverend Sarah Hayward

Phone: 07828 046193 or send an email

Bradwell Area Women’s Advisers

Reverend Timnat Emmanuel

Reverend Timnat Emmanuel

Phone 07751 008770 or send an email

Useful Links

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