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Whether you're new to the role or looking for a refresher, Chelmsford Diocese provides training and support for treasurers and Gift Aid secretaries.
Treasurer training
Data Developments hold regular training webinars aimed at helping treasurers understand their role, the different types of funds and their use, SORP (Statements of Recommended Practice) and financial controls. You can sign up to individual weeks or to all the sessions; the course is entirely free.
The course explains the requirements with practical examples and give useful hints and tips for both new and existing treasurers. Time is left at the end of each session for live Q&A.
If you are unable to join the webinars, please register anyway and you will receive recorded versions to view at your own convenience. The courses are regularly repeated, so don’t worry if you miss one. The Diocese is also able to provide recordings of previous webinars if required; please contact parishfinance@chelmsford.anglican.org.
Session 1
The role of the treasurer. Why we need financial controls to protect everyone, what you should and shouldn't do and where you can get further guidance.
Next available date: Thursday 16th January 2025: 5pm - 6pm
Register for Session 1
Session 2
What are Funds and why do we need them. What is the Charities Act, what does it require us to do. What is SORP and do I have to follow it, does it apply to me.
Next available date: Thursday 23rd January 2025: 5pm - 6pm
Register for Session 2
Session 3
Internal Financial controls, basic principles. Looking after Income and Expenditure. Gift aid and GASDS, risks - the do's and don'ts. Assets and Security.
Next available date: Thursday 30th January 2025: 5pm - 6pm
Register for Session 3
Session 4
Receipts & Payments or Prepayments & Accruals, End of year processes & procedures. End of year reports.
Next available date: Thursday 6th February 2025: 5pm - 6pm
Register for Session 4
Gift Aid Secretary training
Data Developments also hold regular training webinars specifically on Gift Aid and GASDS for both new and existing Gift Aid Secretaries. You can sign up to individual weeks or to all the sessions; the course is entirely free.
Session 1
What is Gift Aid and how much can I claim. What do I need to be able to claim Gift Aid and what can and cannot be claimed on. What is a Gift Aid Declaration.
Next available date: Wednesday 22nd January 2025: 1pm - 2pm
Register for Session 1
Session 2
Aggregated donations, sponsored events and church collections for other charities - can Gift Aid be claimed? Can Gift Aid be claimed on volunteers expenses? Donations for supporting missionaries, Charity events and Concerts.
Next available date: Wednesday 29th January 2025: 1pm - 2pm
Register for Session 2
Session 3
Charity Auctions. Can Gift Aid be claimed on waived loans or repayments. What records should I keep. What is GASDS. Good practice and useful resources.
Next available date: Wednesday 5th February 2025: 1pm - 2pm
Register for Session 3
Accounting Software Training
Many parishes are using the Data Developments software for both accounts and gift aid claims. There are training opportunities on the Data Developments website for £12 per module.
Visit the Data Developments training pages to access. Scroll down the page to select the appropriate module for your software.
General support
In addition to this, general support is also available by telephone and e-mail to answer questions and queries. Appointments in the office are available, parish visits are also possible.
For more information please contact the Finance Team by email or call 01245 294430.