If you have a query, please get in touch with a member of the Diocesan Staff. Contact details can be found below.
Contact details for Diocesan Staff Teams can be found on this page. If you aren't sure who you need to contact, please call our Reception Team on 01245 294 400 or email reception@chelmsford.anglican.org, who will be able to direct your enquiry to the appropriate department.
Tracing of marriage, burial, Baptism and Confirmation records
Unfortunately, we are unable to help in tracing historic marriage, burial, baptism and confirmation certificates and records. These records are not held by the Diocesan Office.
If the relevant parish church doesn’t hold a copy of the records, it is likely it will be archived at the Essex Records Office.
Wherever you live, there is a Church of England church that is always there for you through life's biggest moments - and…
Information and news about the Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Revd Dr Guli Francis-Deqhani.
About the Barking Episcopal Area The Barking Episcopal Area consists of five deaneries covering the five East London Boroughs…
About the Bradwell Episcopal Area The Bradwell Episcopal Area consists of nine deaneries covering south and mid Essex, stretching…
About the Colchester Episcopal Area Geographically, the Colchester Episcopal Area covers over half of Chelmsford Diocese,…
Our Diocesan Secretary and Chief Executive Officer, Michaela Southworth oversees the work of the diocesan staff teams.
Key contacts in Chelmsford diocese involved environmental activity and responses to the climate emergency
Support from the Diocesan Property Team for vicarages and other diocesan residential property.
The Mustard Seed Team support parishes in their work with children, young people and families
Our Parish Giving Advisors are available to help parishes to encourage generosity and enable giving.
The Diocesan Print Unit is committed to providing an efficient and friendly printing service to our parish churches and beyond.
The vocations team within the diocese help those who want to explore the nature of God’s calling and what that might mean…
The steering group guides, oversees and reviews ministerial wellbeing and the implementation of the Covenant.